“People will perish not from the nightmare of nuclear war but from their own waste”.

Niels Bohr


“Drop in the ocean” is a social art project designed to draw public attention to the pollution problem and to tell about solid waste recycling waste.

Distribution problem of solid waste is very urgent in today's world. Seas and oceans are the most susceptible to negative influence of the solid waste. The exhibition "A drop in the ocean" is intended to show just a drop of the great oceans’ beauty, so we can think about how to prevent environmental pollution.

More than 15 sea water areas of the planet from the cold waters of the White Sea to the tropical seas of Indonesia are presented at the exhibition.

Famous Ukrainian and Russian authors gave about 300 photographies for this project. Many of these photos were published in the world-famous magazines. Among authors there are such photographers as Andrej Narchuk – the best photographer of the year in Russia; Andrej Nekrasov – photographer from Odessa, the author of many publications of unique Black Sea; Oksana Nestratova - world record-holder on deep-water diving to the sunk objects among women; Viktor Lyagushkin - the author of the book about the Ordinskaya Cave and many others.

The exhibition will be continued till October 9. During the exhibition there will be seminars from Donetsk photographers and photo schools, a workshop on underwater survey technique and a series of seminars on diving in Ukraine and abroad. The admission to the exhibition and seminars is free.

In the art-exhibition center “ArtDonbass” will be also presented materials devoted to the problems of the solid waste distribution and unique posters on the environmental issues of the “4th Block” association.

The project is organized by diving and environmental protection enthusiasts of Donetsk and is supported by sponsors and partners under the auspices of the Donetsk City Council.

The initiator of the project is the head of public service administration of Donetsk City Council Constantine Savinov.



Organiztor: Stepan Shulga mihayloff@inbox.ru  tel. +380509280818   

Company “EmotionLab”  www.emotionlab.com.ua

Links: http://www.facebook.com/SeaDropPhoto